Prevalence and correlates of physical activity behaviour in an Atlantic Canadian population-based cohort

Prevalence and correlates of physical activity behaviour in an Atlantic Canadian population-based cohort

Cindy Forbes

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Physical activity (PA) has been linked to improved physical and mental health, while higher levels of inactivity has been identified as an important risk factor for a number of chronic diseases. However, research suggests that the majority of the Canadian population are inactive. The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), first launched in 2007, collects health information via household interviews and direct measures. A main goal of the CHMS is to allow researchers to determine any relationships between disease risk factors and health status, and to explore emerging public health issues among Canadians. In order to change behaviour, studies show targeting specific groups of the population may be more effective. An examination of the correlates of PA among the Atlantic PATH cohort will allow us to determine what groups are inactive and may benefit from targeted interventions. Accordingly, the goal of this report is to explore any demographic or medical correlates associated with PA in a cohort of Atlantic Canadians.