The Research Platform is a unique resource for Canadian and International Researchers interested in health services, health utilization, population health and epidemiological research.
Data and Biological Samples provided by Atlantic PATH Participants
Approximately 34,000 participants, aged 30-74 have entrusted us with detailed information about genetics, lifestyle, behavior, and their environment. They provided biological samples, including blood, urine, saliva and the world’s largest collection of toenails. Participants also completed:
Baseline CanPath Core Questionnaire (2009-2015) Download Variables
Baseline Questions Unique to the Atlantic Provinces (2009-2015): Download Variables
Follow-up Questionnaire (2016-2018) Download Variables
Linkage Data:
We are enriching the Research Platform with comprehensive routinely collected health care, health services, and population health data. Approved Researchers will have access to longitudinal, person-specific, de-identified health data linked to our data from the following Atlantic Provincial databases:
- Cancer Registries
- Physician Billing
- Hospital Discharge Abstracts
- Vital Statistics (death)
- Hospital-based and community-based ambulatory care, including emergency rooms.
CanPath COVID-19 Initiatives
On April 21st, 2020, CanPath announced the launch of its COVID-19 Initiative in support of national COVID-19 related research activities. As Canada’s largest population health study, CanPath responded quickly to the pandemic. Information collected by the CanPath COVID-19 Questionnaire includes:
- COVID-19 test results/suspected infection
- Symptoms experienced (if any)
- Participant hospitalized or received medical care
- Current health status and risk factors
- Potential source of exposure
- Impact of pandemic on job status
- Impact of pandemic on mental, emotional, social and financial well-being
The CanPath COVID-19 Antibody Study was conducted between 2021-2023 and collected dried blood spots using kits mailed to participants, which are then tested for infection-acquired antibodies and vaccine-induced antibodies. The study also included an online questionnaire which captures who has been vaccinated, the date of vaccination, vaccine type, and much more.
Access Atlantic PATH Data