The Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: How well does it reflect the Canadian population?

Authors: Hall, R., Tusevliak, N., Wu, C.F., Ibrahim, Q., Schulze, K., Khan, A., Desai, D., Awadalla, P., Broet, P., Dummer, T.J.B., Hicks, J., Tardif, J-C., Teo, K., Vena, J., Lee, D., Friedrich, M., Anand, S., Tu, J. Background The intent of the Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds (CAHHM) cohort is to understand the Read more about The Canadian Alliance for Healthy Hearts and Minds: How well does it reflect the Canadian population?[…]

Association between lifestyle behaviors and frailty in Atlantic Canadian males and females

Authors: Vanessa DeClercq, Todd Duhamel, Olga Theou, Scott Kehler Purpose The aim of this study was to identify lifestyle factors in males and females that are associated with a greater degree of frailty in a Canadian cohort. Methods Cross-sectional data analysis from participants aged 30−74 yrs of the Atlantic PATH cohort. Inclusion criteria included completion Read more about Association between lifestyle behaviors and frailty in Atlantic Canadian males and females[…]