CSEB Conference Update

The CanPath team was well represented at the Canadian Society for Epidemiology & Biostatistics (CSEB) Conference in Halifax on June 26-28, 2023.

We had representatives from the CanPath National Coordinating CentreAtlantic PATHCARTaGENE, the Manitoba Tomorrow Project, and the Ontario Health Study that showcased the groundbreaking research and resources available related to epidemiology and biostatistics within CanPath and the regional cohorts.

Throughout the conference, CanPath and the regional cohorts were well-represented in various sessions and discussions, particularly regarding data linkage. Some notable presentations included:

🌟 Dr. Robin Urquhart, Scientific Director of Atlantic PATH, co-presented a workshop on data repositories in Canada
🌟 Dr. Ellen Sweeney, Research Director of Atlantic PATH, presented at a concurrent session about research at Atlantic PATH exploring environmental exposure to arsenic and cancer risk using toxicological and machine-learning methods
🌟 Dr. Vikki Ho, co-Scientific Director of CARTaGENE, co-presented a workshop on mentorship for junior faculty and funding opportunities
🌟 Nicholas Cheng, PhD candidate at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, presented at a concurrent session about his research on leveraging population health cohorts to identify cancer biomarkers in blood up to seven years before diagnosis
🌟 Poster sessions featured CanPath, the Manitoba Tomorrow Project, the Ontario Health Study, CARTaGENE, and more, showcasing the exceptional research happening at the regional level and how they can support epidemiological and biostatistical projects.

Please connect with us to learn more about these projects. We are proud to contribute to advancing this critical field and look forward to continuing our efforts to drive positive health outcomes for all.

Dr. John McLaughlin (Executive Director, CanPath) presented on the completion of CanPath’s provincial map with cohorts representing all 10 provinces, as well as cross-province data linkage efforts.

Dr. Ellen Sweeney (Research Director, Atlantic PATH) presented research on environmental exposure to arsenic and cancer risk in the Atlantic PATH cohort using toxicological and machine learning methods.

Dr. Vikki Ho (co-Scientific Director, CARTaGENE) presented on abberant DNA methylation and lung cancer risk in the CARTaGENE cohort.

Dr. Travis Hrubeniuk (Project Lead, Manitoba Tomorrow Project) presented the activities conducted and a profile of the Manitoba participants recruited to date. The Manitoba Tomorrow Project are still recruiting and would welcome residents of Manitoba to reach out directly.












Sarah Salih (Data Analyst, Ontario Health Study) presented on the Ontario Health Study and the value of its data holdingsand biological samples for conducting population health research.







#CSEBConference2023 #Epidemiology #Biostatistics #EveryoneCounts #HealthResearch #Cohort #PopulationHealth