New Article – The mediating role of health behaviors in the association between depression, anxiety and cancer incidence: an individual participant data meta-analysis

Congratulations to Dr. Kuan-Yu Pan and the Psychosocial Factors and Cancer Incidence (PSY-CA) Consortium team members on their latest publication, “The mediating role of health behaviors in the association between depression, anxiety and cancer incidence: an individual participant data meta-analysis.” PSY-CA includes 18 international cohorts with 320,000 participants, including Atlantic PATH, the Ontario Health Study and CARTaGENE. Article:

Conference of Atlantic Medical Students (CoAMS)

Atlantic PATH is pleased to be represented at the Conference of Atlantic Medical Students (CoAMS) on April 27th at Dalhousie University. This conference seeks to facilitate student networking to build a strong community environment among Atlantic medical students that will promote knowledge sharing and future collaboration. To accomplish this, a series of medical talks and Read more about Conference of Atlantic Medical Students (CoAMS)[…]

Health Data Nova Scotia & Atlantic PATH – Linked Data

We were happy to attend the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit Lunch and Learn webinar today! Health Data Nova Scotia presented about their data holdings including new datasets from Atlantic PATH and Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging / Étude longitudinale canadienne sur le vieillissement in 2024. It also covered the role of Health Data Research Network Read more about Health Data Nova Scotia & Atlantic PATH – Linked Data[…]

Real World Data Challenges Webinar

Join CanPath co-Scientific Director, Dr. Philip Awadalla in the upcoming lifebit webinar, “3 Strategies for RWD (Read World Data) Challenges in Clinical Research and Trails.” Hear from leading experts to discuss the current challenges around using real world data showcase some solutions to enable the use of population level data and diverse studies for R&D. Read more about Real World Data Challenges Webinar[…]

Halifax Take the Lead Award to Dr. SSR Abidi

On April 3, our colleague, Dr. Syed Sibte Raza Abidi was awarded the “Take The Lead” Award by Discover Halifax at the Halifax Chamber of Commerce Dinner at the Halifax Convention Centre. Dr. Abidi is a professor in the Faculty of Computer Science at Dalhousie University and the Director of NICHE Research Group. His research is focused on Artificial Intelligence Read more about Halifax Take the Lead Award to Dr. SSR Abidi[…]

Implementation Science Workshop

Join the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research for an upcoming Implementation Science Workshop webinar on May 2, 2024 at 1pmEST/2pmAST with guest speaker, Atlantic PATH Scientific Director, Dr. Robin Urquhart. This educational session for the Ontario translational research community is an opportunity to learn more about what implementation science is, how it can be applied to Read more about Implementation Science Workshop[…]

CanPath Newsletter

The latest CanPath newsletter highlights new research on mental health service use and COVID-19, rural communities facing higher risks of lung cancer from radon, Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, and updates from all the regional cohorts. The Atlantic PATH team continues to work remotely to support access requests for researchers for baseline, follow-up and COVID-19 questionnaire Read more about CanPath Newsletter[…]

CanPath Featured as one of Canada’s Most Successful Investments in Biobanking

CanPath was featured as one of Canada’s most successful investments in biobanking! 🩸💉 In an Open Access Government article, Francois Lamontagne, Paul Hebert, and Michelle Kho (Sepsis Canada) emphasize the critical role of biobanks in generating new insights into healthcare and disease management. They underscore the pitfalls of ‘classic’ biobanks, highlight the low-cost opportunity of ‘living’ biobank Read more about CanPath Featured as one of Canada’s Most Successful Investments in Biobanking[…]

New Article on Progress in Site-Specific Cancer Mortality

A new article has been published in Scientific Reports on the progress in site-specific cancer mortality in Canada over the last 70 years. Using data from Statistics Canada and the Global Cancer Observatory, Warkentin et al. (2024) found that there has been “a significant reduction in cancer mortality in Canada since site-specific cancer mortality rates peaked Read more about New Article on Progress in Site-Specific Cancer Mortality[…]